Saturday, September 1, 2007

Wait, wait, What?

Fundraiser Turns Himself In

A top Democratic fundraiser wanted as a fugitive in California turned himself in Friday to face a grand theft charge.
A judge in San Mateo County Superior Court ordered Norman Hsu handcuffed and held on $2 million bond. A bail hearing was scheduled for Sept. 5, at which the judge will consider reducing his bail to $1 million.
Hsu appeared in court here Friday following reports that he had skipped his sentencing on a 1991 grand theft charge. In the ensuing years, he became a top donor to numerous Democratic candidates, including presidential contenders Hilary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.

This is someone who has already pled guilty to a grand theft charge. Instead of face punishment, the guy then fled and has been a fugitive from justice for years. The question here is why would anyone in their right mind offer Hsu bail? He fled from justice once, why give him a second chance?
There's no reason he should be given ANOTHER get out of jail free card. When you plead guilty, you don't get bail. You immediately serve your punishment. In Hsu's case, it's 3 years. Instead of getting Justice for theft, he's been allowed for a decade and a half to donate to people like Obama and Clinton. So now that he agrees to go back in...he gets off again.

It's sickening. But that's what happens to high up Democrats...

Nothing. Ugh.

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