Monday, September 1, 2008

Only in New Orleans

Could corruptocrat William Jefferson have a shot at holding his seat...

Via Townhall:

Sordid bribery allegations and jokes about "cold cash" hidden in Rep. William Jefferson's freezer apparently did not matter much to voters two years ago when the New Orleans Democrat won a runoff election for his long-held congressional seat with a surprising 57 percent.
Hurricane Katrina was a fresh memory throughout much of the city. Jefferson lost his seat on the House Ways and Means Committee amid the burgeoning scandal, yet could argue that his seniority and clout in Congress were vital to the region.
Now that two more years have passed, Jefferson's political future has become more precarious. He is awaiting trial in Virginia on federal bribery charges; his brother and two sisters are ensnared in a separate federal criminal case in New Orleans.
Donations to his re-election have slowed and there is a reported campaign debt of $250,000. Still, few count Jefferson completely out as he faces six challengers in Saturday's primary.

In a sane world, Jefferson would've lost in a landslide last election. Even now, as he looks at life incarcerations, he may still win his seat back. Absolutely amazing.

The most ethical congress in history keeps rolling on...

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